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Are you ready to change your life? This six month program of 12 sessions can help you do just that. Please read all the details on the Services page and complete the Change My Life Contract and Intake form.
This purchase is for the one-time complete payment. For payment options please read the plan information and contact Stacy at

I'm Ready to Change My Life 12 Session Journey


    Are you looking for more information about Eden Energy Medicine? Donna Eden and David Feinstein's books and other materials are 

    available here.

    Energy Medicine, Energy Medicine for Women, and The Energies of Love are just a few of the great titles available.

    Stacy L. Newman is an Intuitive who practices and teaches Energy Medicine techniques to assist her clients in transforming their lives . She does not diagnose or treat specific disorders and illnesses. Energy medicine is complimentary to Western medicine and can greatly enhance your ability to heal and thrive. Please continue to consult with your primary physician. 

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