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Are you physically or emotionally drained from being a caregiver? 

Are you struggling to find balance in your life because    

    everyone else's needs take precedence over yours?

This workshop will give you methods to recharge your batteries and find emotional balance.

You will also learn some easy Energy Medicine techniques

to help balance those you care for.

Saturday, October 12  

1:30-4:30 pm

Namaste Life Center

620 E. Smith Rd., w6, Medina



Past Events

Energy Medicine for the Sensitive Soul

Tools for Thriving in an Overwhelming World

Are you Sensitive to Environmental Toxins?

Do you Feel the Emotions of Everyone around you?

Are you Drained after being with People?

Are You Ready to Thrive?

Being an Empath can come with some serious pitfalls, but it also gives you Superpowers! We will discuss the common challenges that come with feeling everything, then talk about how to navigate the world and learn to thrive. I will share tools to keep you Grounded, enhance your Aura, increase your Clarity and Intuition, Let Go of what's not yours, and Come Back to yourself.

Stacy will be offering mini Energy Medicine healing sessions before and after the workshop (10:30-4:30). To register for the workshop or reserve your time for a healing session visit the Namaste Life Center website.

Tools for the Sensitive Soul: The Empath's Survival Kit will be available for purchase at this workshop.

Energy Medicine for the Sensitive Soul


Pre-Registration Required, call 216-591-1908

Are those energies you feel coming from someone else?

Learn simple energy practices to help maintain the integrity of your aura, to protect you and keep you grounded.

Explore your own intuitive style.

Understand the gift of your sensitivity.

Three Workshops to Help You Connect with

Your Own Healing Potential

Partners to Empowerment Wellness Center

3681 S. Green, Suite 406, Beachwood, OH 44122

Pre-Registration Required, call 216-591-1908

April 14     Introduction to Eden Energy Medicine

Balance your own basic energy systems for increased health and resilience. Grounding, stress-relief, and immune support will be included.

April 28    Energy Medicine for Women

Learn simple energy tools to keep your hormones balanced through every stage of your life. Topics range from PMS to weight control.

Bring your questions!

May 12 Getting Your Groove Back

(It Don't Mean a Thing if You Ain't Got that Jing)

Enhance your Essential Energy (Jing) with Energy Medicine practices. Increase your daily energy levels, tap into your Circuits of Joy, and help you ease through your own aging process.

Spring Cleaning & Detox   

Sunday, April 3rd, 11am - 12:30pm

Release the lethargy and extra pounds from Winter. Renew yourself for an active and healthy season.

Stress Busting

Sunday, April 17th, 11am - 12:30pm

Stress is the biggest health problem we face. It creates inflammation, hormonal imbalances, and can even lead to autoimmune disorders. Learn great techniques to bust through the stress in your life.

Shifting Habits to Create the Life You Want

Workshops will take place at 

the ConsciousNest

20150 Lakeshore Blvd.

Euclid, OH 44123

Stacy will be providing a limited number

of same-day Energy Medicine sessions

for class attendees.

One hour for $60 (that's a savings of $30). Appointments required.

Register by calling (216) 870-8683

Sunday, May 1st - 11am - 12:30pm

Explore alternative methods of releasing old habits

and getting new ones to stick.

​$20 each or $50 for all three (paid by April 3rd)

Introducing your seven main Energy Centers where Body, Mind and Spirit come together. This class explores the basics of the Chakras: where they are located, in what way each affects your physical and emotional well-being, and how to experience and direct their energies. Knowledge for your Mind, Activity for your Body, and Meditation for your Spirit will guide you in your understanding of these Primary Energies.

This class will be taught by Stacy Newman and Bryan Langsdale at Breathe. Stacy brings her knowledge of Eden Energy Medicine and experience as a healer and teacher. Bryan brings his experience in Yoga, Sound Vibrational Healing, and Meditation. 

Choose the date that works best for you and sign up here.

Are you ready for more? Following your one-time basic class our practitioners will be leading a seven week interactive course on Facebook – that’s one full week per Chakra. Daily Reflections, Activities and Discussions will create a more in-depth experience. See our Facebook page for full details.

Sunday, February 15, 2015 ~ 1 - 4 pm

The Energies of Love

Based on the book by Donna Eden & David Feinstein.

Learn Energy Medicine techniques to help you find your own balance, understand & attune with your partner, & keep the spark alive.

Discover your (and your partner's) Sensory Style & bring a new understanding to how you respond to and overcome stress. Find your Rhythm to balance & nurture who you are and how you relate to the world. Learn simple Energy Medicine techniques to help you cope with stress, better attune with your partner and rekindle the spark.

At Breathe 24960 Center Ridge Road, Westlake, OH 44145

Register online here or call 216-280-3808           

$45 per couple or $25 solo                                                         

The Healing Journey with Donna Eden

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

6:30 - 9:30 pm

Double Tree Hilton

Beachwood, OH 44122


In this workshop, you will have fun interacting with your body’s subtle energy systems in promoting health and harmony. Donna will also help you discover the techniques you can use for increasing immunity from seasonal ailments, colds, fatigue and stress.

This class is for everyone interested in energetic healing; whether you are new to the idea, or an experienced energy worker.

Living In Balance:

Energy Medicine for Reactivity, Stress and Burnout

A three-part class taught by

Stacy Newman, Eden Energy Medicine

Certified Practitioner

A three part series exploring our energy systems and self-care techniques to help us thrive in this environment. Energetic imbalances can manifest physically as allergies and other sensitivities, auto-immune disorders, or hormonal problems, among many other issues. The good news is that you can harness your body's own energies to restore balance and your ability to thrive.

Part One: Exploring stress and how it manifests in our energies. We will discuss the role of stress hormones, the Triple Warmer meridian (our Fight, Flight, Freeze response), and what happens to our immune systems under stress. Energy exercises will focus on grounding, calming anxiety, boosting immunity and balancing stress hormones.

Part Two: Understanding Reactivity: How substances, energies, and emotions can disrupt our well-being. Exercises will focus on the Aura, flushing out built-up toxins, and working with Chakras and Meridians.

Part Three: Living in the World: exploring how our energies interact with our environment. An overview of the Five Element system of Traditional Chinese Medicine and how our personal Rhythms color our physical and emotional experiences. Exercises will include bringing our energies into balance with the Earth and tapping into our own Radiance to build our capacity to thrive.

Register In our Web Store

On the East Side:

Saturdays 9:30 am - 12:30 pm

May 24, June 7, and June 21, 2014

At the ConsciousNest

20150 Lakeshore Blvd.

Euclid, OH 44123

On the West Side:

Saturdays 2 pm - 5 pm

June 14, June 21, and June 28, 2014

At Breathe

24960 Center Ridge Rd.

Westlake, OH 44145

Living In Balance: 

Energy Medicine for Reactivity, Stress and Burnout

A three-part class taught by 

Stacy Newman, Eden Energy Medicine 

Certified Practitioner

A three part series exploring our energy systems and self-care techniques to help us thrive in this environment. Energetic imbalances can manifest physically as allergies and other sensitivities, auto-immune disorders, or hormonal problems, among many other issues. The good news is that you can harness your body's own energies to restore balance and your ability to thrive.

Part One: Exploring stress and how it manifests in our energies. We will discuss the role of stress hormones, the Triple Warmer meridian (our Fight, Flight, Freeze response), and what happens to our immune systems under stress. Energy exercises will focus on grounding, calming anxiety, boosting immunity and balancing stress hormones.

Part Two: Understanding Reactivity: How substances, energies, and emotions can disrupt our well-being. Exercises will focus on the Aura, flushing out built-up toxins, and working with Chakras and Meridians.

Part Three: Living in the World: exploring how our energies interact with our environment. An overview of the Five Element system of Traditional Chinese Medicine and how our personal Rhythms color our physical and emotional experiences. Exercises will include bringing our energies into balance with the Earth and tapping into our own Radiance to build our capacity to thrive.

Register In our Web Store

On the East Side:

Saturdays 9:30 am - 12:30 pm

May 24, June 7, and June 21, 2014

At the ConsciousNest

20150 Lakeshore Blvd.

Euclid, OH 44123

On the West Side:

Saturdays 2 pm - 5 pm

June 14, June 21, and June 28, 2014

At Breathe

24960 Center Ridge Rd.

Westlake, OH 44145

Are you looking for more information about Eden Energy Medicine? Donna Eden and David Feinstein's books and other materials are 

available here.

Energy Medicine, Energy Medicine for Women, and The Energies of Love are just a few of the great titles available.

Stacy L. Newman is an Intuitive who practices and teaches Energy Medicine techniques to assist her clients in transforming their lives . She does not diagnose or treat specific disorders and illnesses. Energy medicine is complimentary to Western medicine and can greatly enhance your ability to heal and thrive. Please continue to consult with your primary physician. 

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